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Top 10 Benefits of Semrush For Small Business Owners

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If you’re unsure why you should use Semrush to grow your business, increase search engine visibility, drive more organic traffic, etc., here are the top 10 reasons or benefits of Semrush to your business.

If you want to be found online by targeted customers, your website pages need to be on the first pages of search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, etc.

Your website must be found for its brand’s mentions and targeted keywords. Without these, you’re entirely out of business in online marketing.

You won’t make much revenue and drive very little to no traffic to your website.

According to an Ahrefs 2021 SEO report, 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine. 53.3% of “all website traffic” comes from organic search. And SEO drives 1000%+ more than organic social media search.

What do all these SEO statistics mean to you?

Search Engine Optimization is The Solution

SEO (search engine optimization) is optimizing your website to increase its search visibility, rank high for relevant queries, and drive more traffic.

But if you’re new to SEO or struggling to drive organic search traffic to your site, you could be missing out on essential SEO metrics.

These include targeting the wrong keywords, not building the correct links, user experience, on-page SEO, thin content, etc.

To succeed in online marketing, especially if you’re a solo entrepreneur, you must wear many hats. One of which is to be good at SEO.

Although you don’t need to be an expert to implement basic SEO tactics, with the right SEO tools, anyone who can read, analyze, learn, and implement can optimize their website for better search visibility.

This is where an SEO tool like Semrush can help you fix many SEO issues, build a better website, grow your business, increase brand awareness, write better content, generate more sales, and increase revenue.

You don’t have to be an SEO guru to achieve all these.

Semrush marketing tools can help you all the way through building and managing your marketing activities so you can achieve better results.

Before we dive deep into the benefits of using Semrush, let’s explore what Semrush is. After that, we will look at Semrush’s advantages and disadvantages.

What is Semrush?

Semrush is an all-in-one SEO and marketing tool that helps marketers and businesses of different sizes and budget grow their online businesses.

Unarguably one of the most popular and widely used SEO tools today. Currently, over 10 million users worldwide have already used Semrush.

SEMrush user statsSEMrush user stats

At the start, Semrush’s main focus was to help with organic search engine ranking; it was developed to help marketers improve search engine visibility.

Over the years, Semrush added many SEO features, tools, and improvements to the toolkit. This makes it an all-in-one marketing tool for your everyday SEO and content marketing needs.

Presently, Semrush has over 55 SEO and content marketing tools. Twenty-one billion keywords are in its database, making it the most significant keyword database on the market today, and it has over 22 trillion backlinks in its index.

You can explore a list of the Semrush tools below:

  • Site Audit
  • Competitive Research
  • Position Tracking Tool
  • Link Building Tool
  • PPC Keyword Tool
  • Organic Traffic Insight
  • Ad Builder
  • Social media Tracker
  • Content Analyzer
  • Backlink Audit Tool
  • On-Page SEO Checker
  • Keyword Overview
  • Traffic Analytics
  • Domain Overview
  • Backlink Analytics
  • Backlink Gap
  • Keyword Gap
  • CPC Map
  • Advertising Research
  • Topic Research
  • SEO Content Templates
  • SEO Content writing
  • Brand Monitoring
  • Market Explorer
  • Display Advertising
  • PLA Research
  • Social Media Poster
  • Semrush Lead Generation Tool
  • Marketing Calendar
  • Client Manager
  • Keyword Magic Tool

More helpful SEO, content, and marketing tools are on this page.

10 Benefits of Semrush For Businesses

There are several advantages of Semrush for businesses, marketers, and agencies.

Semrush caters to businesses, individuals, SEO agencies, and marketers of different sizes, budgets, marketing goals, and needs.

So it can be tailored to your specific needs.

If you’re still in doubt about why you should use Semrush for business growth or are unsure about its data accuracy, below is a list of Semrush benefits to further your business.

1. Cost-Effective

When you start using Semrush and see the result you’ve achieved with it, you will realize it is more cost-effective than you thought.

Though it appears Semrush is one of the most costly SEO tools today, the job it does far outweighs the cost.

Starting at $199.95/month for the Semrush Pro plan, it’s a bit costlier than other competitors like Ahrefs, Moz, and Spyfu with similar SEO plans.

But when you consider the list of SEO, marketing, content, advertising, and more tools you have at Semrush (over 55), there are no better SEO tools.

SEMrush plan and pricing chartSEMrush plan and pricing chart

One question you may have is whether Semrush has a free plan. So you can test drive to see if it is worth all the hype?

To answer your question, Semrush has a free plan you can use. But it comes with a significant number of limitations. You can only do little with the Semrush free plan.

Instead, take the 7-day free trial Semrush offer from this link.

This way, you can experience the Semrush premium features to see how it works.

If you don’t want to subscribe to a paid plan after your 7-day free trial, you can cancel your trial before it ends. You won’t be billed if you cancel your free trial subscription before seven days.

2. Competitor Research

If there has to be just one SEO tactic to grow your business, competitor research is the one.

One of the advantages of Semrush benefits for business growth is competitive analysis.

Semrush provides various tools to run in-depth competitive research to gain valuable insight into what other marketers in your niche are doing to get better marketing results.

You can uncover hidden marketing tactics and strategies to develop a winning formula for your business.

From spying on your competitor’s SEO tactics, advertising strategies, content, and PR, to social media marketing, there are plenty of options with Semrush competitor’s analysis tools.

You can find a list of the Semrush competitive research tools here.

competitive research toolkitscompetitive research toolkits

3. Advanced Keyword Research Tools

SEO starts with knowing the right keywords to target for your business.

Your content does not exist without writing about what your customers want.

It’s as simple as that.

The Semrush keyword magic tool is more than valuable to help with in-depth keyword research strategy.

The Semrush keyword magic tool boosts over 20 billion keywords in its database and is growing. There are over 14 million keyword ideas returned for a single search query.

keyword magic tool databasekeyword magic tool database

A keyword overview tool in Semrush lets you quickly see a given keyword’s overall value or metrics.

It is a handy tool that quickly gives you key metrics such as keyword difficulty, CPC (cost per click), search volume, top-ranking pages, ad copy, related keywords, keyword variations, etc.

keyword overview in SEMrsuhkeyword overview in SEMrsuh

With all this keyword information at your disposal, you can efficiently create better content with long-tail keywords such as Semrush that will rank and drive targeted search engine traffic.

The Semrush keyword research tool comprises a few other tools that let you do more than just numbers and queries.

You can learn more about how to use Semrush for effective keyword research here.

4. All You Need in One Place

Using Semrush means you don’t have to look further for other SEO tools to complete a specific task.

Whatever your SEO or marketing task, you can do it effectively with Semrush’s all-in-one marketing tool.

With over 40 helpful SEO and content marketing tools, you can save more and do much with any of your Semrush accounts.

Whether it is the Semrush Pro, Guru, or Business account, you can do much more with your subscription than any other SEO tool.

The real value of using Semrush lies in the wide range of tools available. You access SEO, content, advertising, competitive research, social media marketing, reporting, and lead generation toolkits.

So you can effectively manage all aspects of your website through Semrush.

SEMrush homepageSEMrush homepage

As you can see from the screenshot above, world-leading brands such as Tesla, Apple, IBM, and Walmart trust Semrush.

You’re safe if these brands can trust Semrush with their digital marketing success.

You can perform the following SEO task with Semrush:

  • Research your competitor’s marketing strategies
  • Create new and optimized content pages
  • Build links
  • Analyze existing link profiles
  • Do keyword research
  • Run and manage ads
  • Manage social media activities
  • Promote your content on social media, etc.


You can do all the above tasks in your Semrush premium account. Unlike other SEO tools, where you need to purchase separate tools for social media and advertising tasks, Semrush is not so.

Semrush is truly an all-one-SEO and marketing tool.

5. Create Better Content

With the Semrush SEO content template features, you can create better-optimized content. Content that ranks high in Google and other search engines.

This feature works in three (3) easy steps:

SEO content templateSEO content template

First, enter your target keywords into the search field. Select your target country, region, or city, and choose your target device from the dropdown menu.

Next, click on the green “Create SEO Template” button.

Wait a few seconds and let the Semrush tool analyze your target keyword based on the top 10 Google rankings.

After this, you will get comprehensive analysis recommendations to write better SEO-friendly content for your target keywords.

keywords recommendationskeywords recommendations

Semrush SEO content template recommends Semantically related keywords to include in your content.

It also gives you an overview of where to acquire links to this page for a higher ranking. This is based on your target keyword’s top 10 Google ranking page link profiles.

As you can see, you’re now getting backlink information for your competitor’s ranking pages and keyword data to rank your content page.

The tool also analyzes the existing ranking pages’ readability score and content length. This will help you create highly Google-friendly content and increase your chances of ranking for its target keyword.

This is more like spying on your competitor’s already winning content so you can either replicate or create better content that outranks their rankings.

You don’t have to find these pages on your competitor’s website; Semrush will do all the work for you to focus more on the writing aspect.

6. Made for All

Unlike your marketing experiences, skills, budget, or needs, Semrush caters to businesses of all sizes, budgets, marketers, and experience levels.

Unlike some SEO or keyword tools designed for advertisers or BIG budget-size businesses, Semrush meets the needs of everyone using it.

For instance, if you’re familiar with the old Google keyword tool, designed for all marketer’s needs, you will agree it is not the same as the present Google keyword planner.

The current Google keyword planner best suits the advertiser’s needs, not regular marketers.

Semrush keyword tool is developed to meet every marketer’s needs.

Even if you’re not an advertiser, you can use the Semrush keyword magic tool to explore your market and see what people are searching for.

7. Manage and Track Social Media Activities

As an all-one marketing tool, Semrush provides the tools to manage, track, analyze, and monitor your social media activities without leaving the Semrush website.

And you don’t need to pay an extra fee for these features.

Your subscription to any Semrush premium account gives you access to social media tools.

All you need next to your social media profiles is the Semrush social media tool, and start using it. You can connect mostly all the major social media sites:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
  • Instagram

From the Semrush social media tool, you can also schedule posts on your social media account.

Paste the URL of the post you want to promote to your connected social media account to see the preview on the right of the page.

Or type in your content and schedule the posting based on your fan’s most engaging hour.

Social media poster in SEMrush toolSocial media poster in SEMrush tool

Also, you can manage ads effectively in the Semrush social media tool. This is a great added feature to Semrush’s growing list of tools.

This lets you set up, run and manage your PPC ads without needing another tool.

Semrush is truly an all-in-one marketing tool.

8. Accelerate Your Business Growth

Digital marketing evolves rapidly and is always affected by constant changes.

To keep your business up to date with all the latest algorithm updates and marketing trends, you need a reliable marketing tool to stay ahead of your competitors.

Semrush is regularly updated, and more features help businesses stay ahead of their rivals, prepare for constant algorithm updates, accelerate business growth, increase sales, and generate more revenue.

Semrush can help businesses achieve this by providing helpful tools to cater to every aspect of the digital marketing task.

And because you can use the tools to your advantage, uncover hidden marketing strategies and get expert recommendations, your business will experience rapid growth.

9. Developed Better Advertising Strategies

Advertising is an integral part of a successful digital marketing campaign.

If you’re yet to dive into PPC advertising, it’s time to try it. In today’s marketing world, advertising has become more expensive, especially if you’re bidding on highly searched industry queries.

Also, it could be very uncertain to determine the success of your paid media campaign. You can quickly lose money if you don’t know or understand how PPC works.

Instead of playing a game of luck with your PPC campaign, let the Semrush advertising research tool help you in every step of your campaign.

Semrush advertising research toolSemrush advertising research tool

The Semrush PPC tool will give you raw data on PPC ads that are already working for your competitors. It gives you great insight into your competitors:

  • Most valuable PPC keywords
  • Cost per click of each keyword
  • Desktop and mobile keywords your competitors are bidding on
  • Ad copy
  • Analyze keywords and ad text for over 100 countries and over twenty languages.
  • Analyze and monitor competitors’ Google Ads and Microsoft ad spends, usage, and trends.

With all this information, you will develop a better PPC advertising campaign guarantee to win and give you the highest ROI (return on investment).

10. Build and Increase Brand Awareness

Strong brand recognition is one of the core strategies for gaining an advantage and winning loyal followers.

Customers naturally come to you for business when you have a solid brand. Word of mouth will help you get more potential clients, close business deals, and increase the company size.

The Semrush brand monitoring tool is excellent for finding new opportunities to promote and monitor your brand mentions through word of mouth.

Semrush brand monitoring toolSemrush brand monitoring tool

The tool lets you set up a wizard that tracks specific keywords for any industry you want to target. It also lets you collect online mentions of you and your competitor so you know when and how to join the conversation.

Semrush brand monitoring tool lets you find out which online sources (especially Twitter) mention your competitors and the industry. So you can evaluate the source for credibility, authority, and SEO potential.

Get backlink insight into the competitor’s brand mentioned in the conversation so you can contact the editor for possible collaboration.

This is like an outreach tool in real-time conversation.

Sign up for Semrush 7-Day Free Trial Offer.

Pros and Cons of Semrush

Even though Semrush has several benefits for SEO and small business owners, there are pros and cons, too. Here are the pros and cons of Semrush that you need to know.


  • Semrush is an all-in-one marketing tool. Your one-stop solution for all your SEO, PPC, and digital marketing campaigns.
  • There is a knowledge base, tutorial, and an on-screen mouse to help you understand the features and tools.
  • Most advanced keyword research tool on the market today. It generates high-value, relevant keywords for your business.
  • One of the largest keyword databases. 20bn and still growing.
  • Semrush is reasonably priced compared to the data and tools you get.
  • The topic research tool is great for brainstorming content ideas.
  • Domain overview lets you see comprehensive details about your research website.
  • Semrush is cost-effective.
  • Semrush is suitable for brand monitoring.
  • Do all your social media marketing within your Semrush user account.
  • Suitable for both paid and organic keyword research
  • Three support channels are available – Chat, email, and phone call
  • Semrush site audit features give you actionable recommended on-page and off-page SEO fixes to execute.
  • The link-building features help with outreach tasks is an additional bonus
  • Best for PPC advertisers and digital marketing agencies.
  • The competitor’s research tools provide you with lots of data to analyze and outrank your rivals.
  • The free version of Semrush is suitable for beginners who want to learn digital marketing, PPC, SEO, and how the Semrush tools work to help businesses grow.


  • It requires a bit of a learning curve for beginners. It would help if you had some time to get around the tools.
  • The Semrush free trial requires the use of credit card details.
  • You need to buy an additional user account (up to $100/month) if you want more than one user’s login password under a parent account.
  • Not easy to use on mobile. However, most SEO tools are so, anyway.
  • Semrush only provides data from the Google search engine.
  • The Keyword Magic tool often will not provide data for your seed keyword. It will only show relevant/related search queries, which makes it possible to research specific search terms.

FAQ – What are The Benefits of Using Semrush

Why Semrush is The Best SEO Tool?

More than a marketing tool, Semrush does a lot more to help you uncover competitors’ estimated organic traffic.

The organic research tool can help SEOs find all the websites’ rankings for a set of related keywords. So you can analyze and get a holistic view of the search query.

How to Use Semrush for SEO

Semrush has several SEO tools to help you in every step of the SEO journey. You can use Semrush for your SEO project by running a detailed site analysis for beginners.

After that, follow the recommendations to fix all possible on-page errors. Then, try optimizing each page for its target keyword. You can also use Semrush to research competitors’ SEO strategies.

Conclusion: Benefits of Using Semrush.

Apart from the SEO aspect, there are more benefits of Semrush that you can only experience when you test the tool.

Semrush is a great marketing tool that is constantly updated with new features to meet the demands of today’s marketing realities.

With over 7 million users already tested Semrush to improve their businesses, no doubt that Semrush is one of the most highly effective SEO tools today.

I only advise one thing: give Semrush a try today. You can start with the 7-day free trial offer from this link.

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