
How to Get More SEO Traffic to Your Website

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You’ve tried everything you know to get more SEO traffic to your website, yet, nothing seems to be working, right?

Don’t worry; you’re not left alone.

It happens to even the best of marketers. Sometimes, everything goes against you, and nothing just works the way you’d expected.

Last week here on this blog, I discussed 11 ways to increase your blog traffic without technical SEO activities involved.

That post addresses a section of my audience. Readers who are not skilled in technical SEO tasks either. Or those frustrated with their blog’s low search engine traffic needed a workaround.

I hope you learned some positive SEO tips from reading how to get SEO traffic to your website.

In today’s post, and for those ready to take on the challenge. Let’s look at how to get more SEO traffic to your blog with proven SEO/marketing techniques.

SEO techniques that will greatly influence your search engine ranking.

SEO Marketing Stats

Suppose you still doubt whether your business needs to care about organic search engine traffic. Here are some marketing stats that might help you decide how to get SEO traffic today.

93% of online experiences begin with a search query. 70% of links users click on the search result pages are from the organic result.

You should incorporate marketing tactics that will influence Google’s organic SEO traffic into your business strategies.

According to another study, search engines are the one source of traffic to content websites. 300% more than social media sites. SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate over other display advertising channels with a 1.7% close rate.

If any of the stats make sense to you… let’s move on!

To attract a targeted audience using SEO to drive traffic to your blog. There are certain elements on your blog you should consider looking into first.

These small things will serve as the foundation that your subsequent SEO techniques will leverage to maximize your search engine ranking opportunity.

1. Build a Focus Blog

On WordPress alone, there are about 76.5 million blogs already inexistent. With about 50,000 more being created daily as you’re reading this line. How many blogs do you think are on the internet already?

Maybe some 300,000,000? Or even more…

Suppose you want to give your blog a chance to get noticed, stand out and build a tribe and an audience. You’ll need to build a blog focused on a specific topic.

In the past, there were about 50 million blogs on the internet altogether. Starting a blog about many topics and building large followers is easy.

Fast forward to today, the better and easier approach is to start a specific blog and address just one issue. Narrow down your audience selection. Creates content that is super targeted to that audience.

Here is an example of what I am trying to pass across.

Instead of starting a blog on all things health-related diseases. You can narrow down your audience selection by targeting type 1 diabetic patients or, let’s say, HIV-infected patients.

This will help attract the right audience to your content quickly and easily, making the entire content publication process easier.

Getting the right links to your content won’t be difficult. And it helps to tell Google what your blog topic is strictly all about, which will help your search index greatly.

Besides, if you get things right, this approach can quickly elevate a blog to an authority status in that topic.

2. Set up an SEO-Friendly Blog

Now that you’ve narrowed your audience selection, it is time to ensure your blog is search-engine friendly.

Bias not intended.

Maximize your chances of leveraging SEO techniques to increase traffic to your website. You need to build your blog with the world’s most popular content management system — WordPress.

WordPress now powers over 25% of the total blogs online. 30.3% of the world’s 1000 most popular sites.

According to Matts Cutts, former Google head of the spam team, 80–your WordPress installation software handles 90% of Google crawling issues.

That’s a huge advantage!

Because using a content management system is uncommon with top industry blogs/websites, WordPress has something to brag about.

The chart below considers both self-hosted and’s market share.


So, if you’re like me, you’d better head straight, moving your blog to WordPress.

3. Configure Your Meta Tags

WordPress blogs have some specific tags you’ll need to get right. So that your human visitors and search engine spiders can, at a glance, understand what your content topic is all about.

The two most important Meta tags you need to pay attention to are the Title and Description Meta tags.

The title tag is between the header section of your web page’s HTML source code. At the same time, the content of your description Meta tags comes as a snippet in the search query.

Read this comprehensive post by WordPress Codex on Meta tags to learn more about tags and why they’re important.

If you’re blogging on WordPress (which I assume), install the Yoast SEO plugin. This SEO plugin makes completing this process easier.

To cut a long story short. There are two ideal WordPress permalink structures you should consider:

Either you go with:

  1. /%postname%/
  2. /%category%/%postname%/

Every other option out there doesn’t make too much sense or pass any SEO link juice like many people believe them to be.

Adding postdates in the URL could lead over time to lower click-through rates and negatively affect search ranking, if possible.

Adding .html or .php does not affect ranking positively in any way too. If you want to learn more about permalink structure, here is a comprehensive post by Yoast.

4. Other Technical Things

You can do many things on your WordPress blog from the word go to ensure it’s set up correctly. And to give it the best search engine optimization visibility that can influence organic search traffic:

  • Only install needed plugins — Wp, W3 Total Cache, and Yoast SEO, to mention a few.
  • Make sure your web pages are loading extremely fast.
  • Keep it clutter-free.
  • Design it for users.
  • Use Breadcrumb.
  • Avoid Duplicate Content – Tags, Category, and Archives Pages.
  • Use premium WordPress themes.

These small things can be the difference between a blog that struggles to attract and retain readers. And the one that commands authority on the internet. A blog that is supported by a loyal community of readers.

Now that your blog has been optimized to influence organic SEO traffic from its setup.

Let’s explore the SEO tactics you can implement on the blog to ensure you generate quality organic search engine traffic.

6 Steps to Get More SEO Traffic to Your Blog

Note — The tactics mentioned in this guide are not magic bullets. Each of them requires that you devote a considerable amount of time. And consistently working on their executions before measuring your outcome.

A good rule is that you pick one or two SEO tips. Work on them long enough before you start measuring your progress.

1. Answer Questions, Not Keywords

Keywords are the starting point of effective search engine optimization strategies. Without keywords, content creation is guesswork.

But if your content publication process is researching for a high-volume search query. Creating your content around such keywords, then you’re not serving your audience right.

Users generate keywords in the form of questions they ask in different online communities.

These people want comprehensive answers to their questions. Do not just show them that your content contains exact words or phrases in their question.

There is a BIG difference between answering a user question with your content. And writing your content around that user’s search phrases.

The benefits users get from the two content strategies will vary significantly.

The best content development strategy is discovering what your audience wants to know more about. The question they’re asking. How often do they ask such a question?

Then produce the right content that massively supplies answers to such questions without leaving anything out. At the same time, you align your answers to a topical keyword phrase to maximize your potential to get more SEO traffic.

You can leverage many ways, tools, tactics, and sources to discover what your audience is eager to know more about. Things that keep them awake at night and cause a sleepless night.

Besides keyword research tools, online communities such as “Quora” and “Yahoo Answers” exist.

No need to reinvent the wheel. Quora is no doubt a reliable place to gather marketing intelligence. Discovering more about your audience and preparing your content to meet their needs.

Plus, you can uncover hundreds of users’ search intent ideas from reading your audience’s questions. Questions that even the most sophisticated keyword tool in the world can’t show you.

Enter Quora on your browser and type in your content’s main Keyword. You already have more content ideas and experts’ opinions, facts, and data to make up your content.

Here is a search I did for an article I am about to write on “website traffic.”

As you can see from the image above, the three users want the same thing (increasing website traffic). They probably want a traffic channel for different purposes and situations.

As a content marketer with intelligence.

Instead of providing generic advice on how to increase website traffic generally. Armed with this information, you can now produce separate in-depth articles that solve these audience problems.

Another reliable tool I discovered recently for uncovering users’ questions is Answer The Public.

From what I see with the tool, it just can’t replace raw data that questions and answer sites like Quora, Yahoo Answer,, and Forums offer.

Answer The Public is an automated tool that searches by country focus. But it is still a good fit to try if you can’t find your match on Quora.

But I doubt if that could ever happen.

2. Create Eye-Catching Infographics

One blogger who has been so successful in using infographics to build and increase organic SEO traffic to his blogs is Neil Patel.

In one of his publications, he writes:

Lots of potential await when you create high-value infographics that pass across useful information to the end-users.

When you consider that 60% of the world population are visual learners and the rise of the search query “infographics” — by 800% in the last two years you might want to include infographics in your content marketing tactics.

But there is only one problem with using infographics to get more SEO traffic. All infographics are not created equal — therefore, results are not typical.

Before creating infographics, think about what purpose will serve your business.

Who is your target audience that will possibly link to your infographic? And how do you intend to reach out to these audiences?

Usually, people who link the most to infographics are not your typical blog readers. This is especially true if you want to attract quality authoritative links to your infographics.

You’ll want most of your infographics links to come from authoritative blogs in the relevant industry. Mainstream media houses and other credible places on the internet.

These are powerful link sources that can influence your search engine ranking visibility.

But as a starter in this link acquisition strategy, don’t set the barrier too high for yourself. Target low and medium size blogs that can expose your infographics to other big outlets.

To maximize your chances of getting the best out of your infographics. Here are a few key steps worth following when creating and marketing your infographics.

Creating an infographic isn’t like generating ideas for your blog topic.

Your infographics idea should be based on a proven content topic already out there and loved by thousands of targeted fans and blog readers.

This proven topic is not necessarily from your content archives. It could be from someone else’s blogs, trending topics, special events, etc.

One thing you’ll need to understand here is that, unlike text, infographics, SlideShare presentations, YouTube videos, podcasts, etc.

All these are alternative formats you can develop your content ideas into to reach a wider audience more familiar with and accept those content formats over text.

So, your BIG task is to find an already proven topic in your industry to convert into an infographic format.

To do this, head over to BuzzSumo.

I head over and enter my search query “dog training.”

Whoa! Can you see that?

The top page from the BuzzSumo result has been shared more than 1.3m times already. This golden opportunity is waiting to be tapped if this is your industry.

Now we’ve found a proven story. It’s time to see what we can make from the event and turn it into appealing visual content story-telling infographics.

Step 2. Find The Designer

Before you start elaborating on how to create your infographics, take a moment to gather the content of your infographic.

Highlight the main points, facts, data, lessons, and takeaways from your content and group them according to relevancy.

When that is done, it is time to find an experienced graphics designer who knows what it takes to create a winning infographic.

Unless you’re a very good graphics designer, I wouldn’t recommend trying to do things yourself here.

There are a few good places to find professional graphic designers that won’t cut your throat or break your bank account. And we still have an infographic well done for you at an affordable price (besides, some of these places are free to use).

  • Dribble
  • PiktoChart
  • Canva
  • Fiverr
  • iCharts

Step 3. Accompany Your Infographics with Content

Maybe tomorrow, but no search engine spider can read the text on image files today.

Even Google search engine spider can only index your image file as it is but can’t read what text you had on it.

Only the description ATL tag got crawled and used to determine what the image file was about.

Write an in-depth article like you normally would for your content topic and publish it with your great-looking infographic on your blog.

The next BIG thing you wouldn’t want to miss is promoting it to the right audience, as I discussed in step 1 of this section.

There are lots of infographic submission sites today.

You should also contact other content marketers in your blog niche to see how your infographics can greatly value their blog and audience.

Creating your infographics is just half that battle; the other half is in the promotion.

You can’t just create a winning infographic sitting on your blog and hoping some leading outlet will notice and link to it.


You must reach out to relevant leading marketers/bloggers who might link to or share it with their followers.

Getting a dozen or even hundreds of high-quality SEO links from these processes alone is visible if you get everything right.

I already discussed how to do effective blogger outreach with the NinjaOutReach app in this post…read it.

3. Use Latent Semantic Indexing

First, for the beginner — what is Latent Semantic Indexing?

According to the Google result extracted from the pages Wikipedia:

In other words, Latent Semantic Indexing is the use of synonyms of your primary Keyword to avoid keyword stuffing and, more importantly, to tell Google better about the theme of your content.

For instance, when you target “affiliate marketing programs” as your primary Keyword in your content.

Google expects to mention affiliate marketing companies within your content, like ShareASale, Cj, LinkShare, BlueSnap, Amazon, etc.

These words prove to Google that you’re discussing affiliate marketing programs in your content.

Another example is when you mention someone in your content.

To help Google understand better who you’re talking about. And for proper indexing of your web page in the search algorithm, it is best to reference what works or field that person is into.

Here is a typical example:

I Google my Name – “Shamsudeen,” without the surname, and below is the Google result for the keyword “Shamsudeen.” That’s another Shamsudeen in question.

Then I changed the Keyword to “Shamsudeen Blogger“; below is the Google result.

As you can see from the two search queries above, Google understands the search intent behind each query better. Who is the user looking to find when the profession is added to it?

So please, when writing about me next, mention my name in your content. Do not forget to add “blogger” anywhere around that name if you want Google to know you’re referring to me.

Let’s look at how Google uses search intent to affect search results for certain queries.

Here is a search query I did for “increase website traffic.”

Look at the top result in the image below; it contained just the word “website” from my exact search phrase but still ranked top for that particular query.


Google knows the search intent behind that keyword phrase. Therefore, despite not having the exact search phrase in its content headline, that page is still the best possible answer to my question.

This is made possible because the content on the page contains words, synonyms, or co-occurrence to my primary search phrase.

Other pages, too, might incorporate Latent Semantic Indexing into their content keywords. But Google chooses to rank that page top for that search phrase.

Lots of factors are responsible for search ranking. LSI — Latent Semantic Indexing is just one.

4. Use a Website Auditor SEO tool

Investing in a website auditor SEO tool is one of the best investments you can make for your online business, such as Website Auditor from Link-Assistant.

Your site architecture is important for crawling and indexing your web pages. If spiders can’t navigate their way through your entire site, the effect on your search ranking will be negative.

Here is how the Website Auditor works.

Download the SEO tool from this link (the free version. You can upgrade later if you find it useful).

After downloading, open the zip file from your download folder and extract the content. Install the SEO tool on your desktop and click to open.

Enter your website URL and check the appropriate field. Then wait a few minutes for the website auditor SEO tool to crawl your sites and gather all the information.

When the SEO tool is done crawling your site, you’ll get a detailed report presentation about your site’s SEO status on a page like this:

This is what most SEO agencies will charge you $5,000 to do and with no practical advice on what to do to patch things up.

With the website Auditor SEO tool, you can run a professional SEO audit of your website even if you lack technical SEO skills.

The next thing is to pay attention to the detailed report. Then look into areas that need improvement, corrections, and modifications.

Everything you need to learn or know more about is simple in a layman’s technical language.

5. Inbound And Outbound Linking

Something you might want to be regularly doing within your content is linking to other credible, relevant sources within your content body.

And constantly interlinking your content together.

Technically, these two activities don’t “directly” affect search ranking. But they will influence other direct factors that possess the potential to move your search ranking up.

Show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are.

This is also true in online marketing.

Suppose you regularly link to bad or phishing websites within your content. The logical thinking is that your website’s credibility is questionable too.

And if you’re not interlinking your content together regularly. You’re not helping search engine crawlers to get around your web pages easily.

Interlinking makes navigating the site structure and inner pages possible for human visitors and search engine spiders. And for spreading SEO link juice around individual pages.

Suppose search engine spiders can’t navigate your entire site architecture. The effect is that your web pages will not get indexed in the algorithm properly.

Proper indexing of your content is one of the most important factors that preside over great search visibility.

Therefore, you should ensure search engine crawlers have the freedom to crawl and index your web page in their search algorithm.

When you link to other bloggers in your content, you should tell them you find relevant resources on their websites and have linked to them in your published article.

This tactic can earn you additional shares, traffic, and audience.

But do not expect to hear back from many people you contact. Lots of bloggers don’t consider linking to them a big deal.

They get hundreds of mentions every day. So, it doesn’t matter to them anymore.

6. Reach out, Start Building relationships

The more you engage in blogging in isolation, the harder it is to get your blog out there in front of a target audience and influencers.

Suppose you want to attract a targeted audience to your content, direct, social, or organic search engine traffic. You’ll need the help of other bloggers with the kind of audience you want for your blog.

And to think of it, one of the most important factors that directly increase search engine ranking is backlinks. And a good part of link-building strategies is relationship-building.

If you’re looking for resource material that compiles some of the best information on link-building strategies on a single page, check out this page by Arkinfotec Team.

The more you get yourself in front of relevant bloggers who can share and link to your content. The better and easier is to build or earn quality authoritative links that can increase your search engine ranking.

So, to influence a big part of your Google SEO traffic using outreach and link-building tactics, here are some good strategies you’ll need to focus on.

Start With Blog Commenting

If done right, blog commenting as a relationship-building tool is one task every content marketer should leverage to establish a meaningful relationship with targeted marketers and influencers.

Plus, it helps in the learning process of your industry better.

The more you blog, hop around reading and commenting on other people’s content. The better you improve your knowledge of your blog niche – the more readers are leaders.

Establishing a real, meaningful relationship with targeted marketers should be on your priority list when leaving comments on their blogs and not SEO link juice.

Though getting SEO benefits is part of it, that should be secondary.

I must remind you that writing such comments as “Thank you, I love the post,” “Nice tips,” “Great post,” etc… will not cut it in today’s marketing space.

You need to show commitment and expertise to get noticed with your comments.

And again, don’t just leave comments on every known blog you see.

Relevancy is everything in internet marketing. You’re leaving comments on other people’s blogs to drive referral traffic back to your blog.

Then you’ll need to be selective and only comment on blogs relevant to your industry. Blogs that have the kind of audience you want to attract to your content.

One thing you may not be aware of is this. Even the top authority bloggers in your industry use blog commenting as content marketing and link-building strategies.

But you don’t see them doing it.

This leaves you with a big question mark on your face. The truth is they are hiring freelancers to do it for them.

I have scrapped many comment sections of top industry blogs only to find top influencers’ blog URLs in the website input field. Some hired freelancers have done this on their behalf in exchange for money.

The below comment author’s contact details were found in Brian Dean’s blog post. After going through every comment author’s detail, this one appears to have every link to Neil Patel.

So don’t neglect blog commenting.

It has great benefits if your favorite blogger can pay someone to do it consistently.

I don’t know how to say it better.

But a BIG part of your marketing success depends on the quality of your link profile. This is because there is a direct correlation between the quality of links pointing to a page and search ranking.

And since search engine traffic has been proven to be the most profitable of all Internet website traffic. You have a few options left besides link building.

So how do you build good-quality backlinks?

I have already talked about blog commenting up there. But one thing I didn’t specifically mention is using it for link-building purposes.

To save time and find blogs where you can leave your content links through blog commenting, visit drop my link.

Drop my link is a tool designed to help link builders find hundreds of relevant sites where you can drop your links. Drive more referral traffic back to your site.

Another tactic is by emailing relevant bloggers directly for link opportunities. I have received tons of cold emails from people asking for a link to their quality content.

It is up to me whether to honour the request or not.

The first thing I usually do when I receive such an email is to check the content to see if it’s appealing and worthy of my association. I then researched the marketers briefly to see what Google indexed about them.

If nothing crazy comes up among the search result, I decide whether to give the link depending on how I perceive the situation.

Reach out to other content marketers. Email them with your awesome content link request. It takes nothing out of you if you meet with no response or a no reply.

If you get a 10% response rate from emailing 20 people, that’s two links assuming they’re from quality, authoritative sites. That’s better and, over time, could make a difference.

There are other advanced link-building tactics you can start executing to increase organic SEO traffic you can find here.


Here is what you need to know to get more SEO traffic consistently to your blog. Focus most of your content marketing strategies on getting more inbound links from credible, authoritative websites.

A big part of the search algorithm ranking heavily depends on the quality of links signalled to the individual web pages.

I have given you some easy and advanced marketing tactics that will generate at least one quality link back to your website if done correctly.

What other SEO tactics are you using to drive consistent organic traffic?

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