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SEO Content: 8 Tactics to Maximize Your Rankings with AI Paraphraser

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Getting your website or blog on top of the SERPs could be a challenging thing when you don’t follow the right strategy. 

Millions of sites are competing with each other to secure better positions in search engine result pages. However, not all of them are aware of doing it efficiently.

Creating high-quality content should be the number one priority if you want to push your online visibility to the next level. 

When you say quality, it should include everything that SEO experts and search engines suggest.

AI paraphrasing is one of the best tactics that you can follow to achieve high-quality content. 

Paraphrasing is the practice of rewriting information, in other words, without messing with the original context. 

This exercise requires knowing grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.

However those with a lack of writing skills might need to be able to paraphrase text with accuracy and efficiency. 

That’s where AI paraphrasing tools come into play. In this article, I’ll discuss eight useful tactics that you can leverage to maximize your rankings with the help of AI Paraphraser.

8 Tips to Boost Your Rankings with AI Paraphraser

An AI paraphraser can play a role in giving your online presence an instant boost. Here are eight notable tactics that you can follow.

1. Add Fresh Perspectives with Paraphrased Content

No matter what’s your blog niche, Google and the rest of the search engines always respect and favor unique and fresh content. 

When you publish new content regularly, it gives positive signals to both readers and Google. As a result, you get value through each post published online.

Paraphrasing is a unique way to add new angles to existing written discussions without falling prey to plagiarism. 

You can talk about various aspects of a topic that you have already discussed in a blog post. 

Doing it manually could be an intimidating experience for people with a lack of paraphrasing skills.

Online paraphrasing tool always gets energized when you ask it to generate multiple variations of text. 

It uses synonym swapping and sentence restructuring techniques to give existing content a completely new life.

So, the trick here is to analyze your previous post, figure out what aspects you missed, find content that’s worth adding to an existing blog, and then use AI paraphraser for instant content generation. 

Imagine not starting everything from scratch and just enjoying great results from existing materials.

2. Boost Word Counts Naturally

How many times have you heard that long-form articles perform better? Probably many times, and this is true. 

According to SEO experts, long-form content has a massive potential for ranking high in search results.

The reason is that this sort of piece discusses the topic holistically, not leaving anything behind. 

When Google sees that an article analyzes all the relevant aspects of the subject matter, the chances of getting it promoted to top results are increased.

Paraphrasing is a great way to expand on existing content without creating a mess. 

Unlike manual rewrites, where the writer talks about things that might not be relevant, the AI paraphrasing tool helps you expand on the topic without beating about the bush.

You see no filler content added to the text when you broaden your discussion with the help of an AI paraphrase.

The tool allows you to restate the same concepts while adding additional details. Getting long-form articles without sounding redundant is a great thing that you can only achieve through a paraphrasing tool.

3. Integrate Backlinks Strategically

One of the key factors to rank your site well in search engines is to get quality backlinks from high authority relevant sites. 

You might have heard a lot of buzz around guest blogging and link insertion. 

That’s because having strategic link-building adds value to your site’s domain authority and helps it gain better organic traffic from search results.

Luckily, AI paraphrasing can help you with getting good backlinks too. 

You can paraphrase trending topics, submit paraphrased content to other high-ranking blogs, and get a backlink in return. 

Likewise, you can post paraphrased content to social platforms and get a good number of users straight to your website.

When you get backlinks through unique paraphrased versions, you pass more value to your website.

To get more and more quality backlinks to your website or blog, create a list of top sites that are already ranking well for keywords related to your niche. 

Now, reach out to all of them one by one, requesting do-follow backlinks.

Some of them might agree to provide you with a free backlink in exchange for unique content. 

However, most of them will charge a certain fee depending on the domain authority and reputation of that particular website. Remember to follow their content guidelines while you craft content using an AI paraphrasing tool.

4. Improve Readability Scores

The readability score matters for higher rankings in search engines. 

You need to take care of readability to retain the great potential of getting tons of organic visitors coming to your website.

Search engines like Google have their readability parameters. 

They analyze every submitted piece for its readability. Content that flows naturally and uses a simplified approach can rank well.

An AI-powered paraphrasing tool uses varied sentence structure to increase engagement. You might not be able to achieve this through manually paraphrasing text.

You start enjoying SEO benefits when you offer good readability to readers. A reliable paraphrase tool can be your partner in achieving higher readability without spending much time on it.

5. Address Common Questions / FAQs

Many successful bloggers use frequently asked questions as a way to hit their target audience. 

When you search for a query on Google, you see a number of related questions in the search snippets. 

These are the queries generated by users from all over the world.

They usually have a high search volume. If you focus on these questions and answers, you can definitely give your blogs a bump in search results.

You can use an AI paraphraser to rewrite these FAQs to help target the search intent. Using an authentic rewriting tool ensures you get perfectly written content while keeping the intent intact.

It is important to note that keywords used in questions should be kept from their equivalents. 

They are the targeted phrases that your content can rank well for. Nevertheless, it is perfectly fine to paraphrase the rest of the content using a good AI paraphraser.

Not sure about the placement of FAQs? 

Generally, they are discussed at the end of each article so that users can see the related search queries before they finish reading. 

However, you can also discuss them as subheadings depending on the subject matter.

6. Enhance Internal Linking Opportunities

Internal linking is a great way to improve the in-house structure of your website. Users have good options to expand their understanding of the subject matter when you place a few useful internal links in every post. 

Building the right internal linking strategy requires having a good number of posts. You need a few relevant posts to create a valid internal linking structure.

AI paraphraser facilitates this regard by helping you publish more relevant posts so that you can create more relevant links internally. 

By consistently publishing content, you increase internal linking opportunities. A paraphrasing tool bumps up content creation so that you stay in words.

An important tip here is to follow the right internal linking practices. 

Always use the main keyword phrase as anchor text. Ideally, you should link up to five words in a row, as they look awkward. 

Once you have completed internal linking, maintain a record and keep checking back. Remember to repair broken links while running an internal linking audit.

7. Improve Scannability with Breaks and Subheadings

Readers do not show interest in text that’s based on large paragraphs with no subheadings. 

This looks boring, and that’s the reason why content like this has a higher bounce rate. It is imperative to format your text the right way so that you can turn heads.

AI paraphrasing tools offer a great way to convert larger text blocks into well-formatted chunks. 

It can create new subheadings using the existing context. Creating strategically interesting paragraphs with subheadings could be challenging when you do it manually.

In short, if you want to enhance the scannability of your text and make it look more engaging, using an AI paraphrasing tool is advisable. 

Google appreciates and rewards web pages with well-formatted information that grabs readers’ attention.

8. Personalize Content for Different Audiences

If you are after maximizing your rankings in Google, never compromise to personalize content for different audiences. 

Not all internet users are alike. They have different points of interest. When you target them with customized messaging, it brings better results.

With the right AI paraphrasing tool by your side, you can tailor content for different target demographics. 

Good rephrasing tools allow you to choose different paraphrasing modes to customize content for multiple audiences. 

For instance, you can choose the ‘Fluency’ mode to transform a piece from monotonous to fluent.

Likewise, it is worth opting for the ‘Academic’ mode if you want to personalize content for students’ essays and other academic work. 

Other commonly accessible paraphrasing modes include creative, SEO, anti-plagiarism, and blog.

You can opt for any of these based on your interests or content personalization requirements.


SEO is an ocean of different strategies and tactics. It is a continuous struggle to uplift your rankings in Google, devise better content strategies, and make efforts to gain better visibility. 

It’s not a definite science where someone can provide you with guaranteed results. However, trying good techniques can help you gain what you long for.

Using an AI paraphrasing tool brings manifold SEO benefits to your online presence. 

It helps you add fresh perspectives with paraphrased text, boost word count naturally, help build strong internal linking with an increased number of posts, improve the overall readability of text for better engagement, revitalize frequently asked questions for more exposure, enhance scannability of content, and personalize content for different sets of the targeted audience.

AI paraphrase tool lets you strategically leverage the SEO content benefits for better search rankings and engagement. You can follow the above suggestions to witness great results.

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