
How to Create a Professional Email Signature With Examples

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Do you know that having a professional email signature can be an additional source of creating brand awareness, referral traffic, and business opportunities?

Each time you send an email message without your professional signature, it is one opportunity missed to talk about your business to potential customers.

Approximately 347.3 billion email messages are sent daily, a massive marketing opportunity to reach someone. 

How about promoting your business or website to a fraction of this audience for free? You don’t need to spend money on advertising or aggressive marketing. 

With a concise and well-designed business email signature, you can tell people about your business or website without actively doing the marketing.

If you’re new to email or online marketing, you may wonder precisely what a professional email signature is. 

What is a Professional Email Signature?

A professional or business email signature is a digital card equivalent to a business card in the offline brick-and-mortar world. 

It can help more people recognize your brand and trust your emails. In addition, you can create QR codes and add them to your email signature to share things like discounts, contact information, or surveys. It’s an easy way to provide useful info to your recipients.

Professional digital business cards or email signatures usually contain your full name, business logo, relevant contact details, links to social media profiles, brand design, clickable website links, photos, etc.

If you receive emails from brands and digital marketers, you must have seen many professional email IDs, something like this at the near end of the email message:

Sure enough, you have seen many of these kinds of business cards. 

But how do you create one to promote your business without asking for it? Before that, let’s examine what makes an excellent professional email signature. 

Professional Signature Email Elements

Apart from making yourself known to your email recipients, there are other elements or features of a good and effective business email signature.

Let’s look at some tips and advice to keep in mind when creating a professional email signature.

Full Legal Name

Don’t use an alias, nickname, or a noun that is confusing to understand and that’s not your name.

For all that matters, please use your full legal name for your business email signature. 

Use the legal name that appears on your government-issued ID. 

When you send emails to business partners, one of the best places to tell more about you is your email signature, and using your full name there will help them see you’re real. 

You can even bold it to make it stand out from the rest of the copy. 

You never know who is Googling more about you. 

Social Media Profile 

An excellent professional signature will lead email readers to your active social media accounts. 

It helps people find you on social media platforms and continue the conversation. And could help you increase followers. 

It could also drive relevant traffic to your website content, assuming you share high-quality content with your social media profiles. 

A good rule of thumb is only to include your active social media profiles in your professional email ID. 

If you’re inactive with your YouTube channel, consider leaving it out. And if you’ve not tweeted in the last couple of months, don’t include Twitter in your email signature social icons. 

Sending people to inactive profiles could give a negative impression of your brand and person. 

Also, ensure your linked social media profile remains consistent with your email signature photo or brand palette. 

It helps your email readers recognize they are with the same business and could lead to more trust. 

Including links to your social media profile pages in your email signature creates a new traffic source for people to find you and your businesses online.

Company Name or Job Title 

Remember I define a professional email signature as a digital business card? 

Your email signature must contain your business details, such as company name, job title, role, organization, and whether you’re an affiliate. 

You can include your business or website name and role if you’re a website owner. 

Look at the email signature example I share above. 

I use the website name as the business name, the editor as the role, and publishing as the industry.

It doesn’t have to be complicated; include relevant details, and you’re good. 


If you want to get personal with your email readers, adding your professional photo to your email signature is a good idea. 

It allows email recipients to associate your face with your name and your business. It makes it easy for them to recognize you online, assuming you keep the same photo profile across channels. 

I advise you to keep consistent images across all your online assets. Whether it’s your social media accounts, author bio, community, etc..ensure you’re keeping it consistent. 

There are exemptions, like when separating personal profiles from brand or business profiles. 

In this case, your brand image should be consistent across all boards, personal profiles, and relevant accounts. 

Contact Info 

This is an important element of a professional email signature. You must include additional contact information in your digital business card. 

It could be a phone number, an alternative email address, WhatsApp, or any other way you can be reached in an emergency.

It gives your email recipient ways to contact you in the event you’re not replying to emails, and they need to reach you. 

Once again, looking at the business email signature above, I include a mobile number so people can reach me on the go and get a real-time response. 

Including WhatsApp contact details can help your customers reach you by messaging and getting quick replies instead of email messages that might take several days or hours for you to reply. 


If you want people to act on your email signature, like visiting your website, landing pages, calling you, or booking an appointment, you must make it clear. 

Your signature email call to action will prompt readers to take action and visit the link. Look at the email signature below.

After reading his email, it is clear what this marketer wants the recipient to do – book a meeting session with him on GoToMeeting.

What you include in your email signature CTA will depend on your business or website’s goals. 

If you want people to read your blog, a link to your blog post page is ideal. 

Also, if engaging with you on social media and getting more followers is your ultimate goal, your CTA should link to your most active social media profile. 

Remember to update your call to action whenever your business goals or objectives change. 

For example, assuming your CTA leads users to a Facebook business page that no longer exists, you should update the CTA with the active page or consider other active social media business profiles you own. 

If the business no longer exists, you must update the CTA to your current company. 

Disclaimer/Legal Requirement

Adding a legal disclaimer to an email signature is essential for some industries like health, finance, law, etc.

A disclaimer to protect or minimize legal responsibility against abuse, illegal use, or the use of your information by an unsuspected cybercriminal will help in legal disputes. 

If you’re an affiliate or an independent contractor of an organization, not an employee on a payroll, you could also add that information to your email signature, making it clear that your views or content does not represent the company’s ideology, culture, or views.

How to Create a Professional Email Signature

Now that you know the elements of a good email marketing signature, let’s explore how to make a professional email signature stand out and achieve its purpose.

Keep Brand Consistency

Creating branded email signatures with the company’s logo, color, and image is essential for showing your customers the value of your brand.

The color, typography, background, and everything about your business email signature should align with your brand image.

And if you have team members, you can create a particular email signature format for them to remain consistent across departments. 

Again, the color, typography, and image should be consistent, too. It helps customers recognize the organization, brand, or business once they receive an email from relevant business departments. 

Focus on the Most Important Details

Focusing on essential details like contact details, website URLs, social media profiles, phone numbers, job roles/titles, and your names will improve the CTR of your email signature.

It is only worth including in your professional email signature if it is helping people find your business or know about it.

You may be tempted to include as many details as possible, but that might lower the click-through rate and confuse people instead of helping them understand your business. 

When you include information or details in your email signature, ask yourself, how does this information help someone find my business or know who I am?

You may need to review your input if you can’t answer the question in 5 seconds. 

Keep it Short

Keeping it short and simple is an extension of the above point.

Don’t go too much on adding every piece of information you can think of about yourself or your business in an email signature. 

For example, adding details like husband, father, number of children, and religious or political views in your business email signature may be irrelevant. 

These details might take up the whole space in your email signature. The more information you share, the more you get readers bored and lose sight of your email signature.

Plus, sharing political or religious views on a business card isn’t an ideal practice. You could get on the wrong side of some of your customers and possibly lose them for good. 

Everything about your business email signature should be about your brand or website, business contact details, and your role in the business. 

Use a Clickable Link And Track it.

Ensure the links are clickable if you want people to visit your website or landing pages from your email signature. 

Links to your social media account, website links, or landing pages should be clickable. You should test them to ensure they work correctly for users.

Also, tracking the link performance is essential to measure the click-through rate (CTR). 

You want to know if people click through to your website from your email signature and how much traffic you get there.

You can use UTM tracking links to measure link activities in your analytics software, such as Google Analytics. This will help you know how many conversions you get from email signatures.

After all, one of the main reasons for creating a professional email signature is to promote your business. Why not measure the effectiveness of it?

You can use the Google Analytics UTM tracking tools to create tracking links to help you attribute traffic to your email signature or other website pages. 

Include International Phone Number Prefix

Remember to add the international country prefix if you include a phone number in your email signature.

This is very important, and you must remember to include it. 

Don’t assume your email readers will figure it out; you must help them with your country’s International mobile prefix to make it easier for people to call you.  

A mobile international prefix is used to dial out an international mobile number from another country. It usually starts with a + sign followed by the country’s International prefix.

If you don’t know your country’s international mobile prefix, you can do a Google search or follow this link to search your country.

Test Your Design on Mobile

Most emails are open on mobile devices rather than laptop computers. 

After creating your email signature, view it on different mobile devices for mobile responsiveness. 

Your email signature might look fantastic on a laptop, but if the text is too small to read and links are too close to tapping on mobile, it will give a poor user experience and lower its click-through rate.  

Use dividers where possible to separate or give space between elements and ensure sufficient distance between social media icons so users don’t tap on the Twitter icon trying to click on Facebook. 

Use an Email Signature Generator

Adding visual elements like images, social media icons, and links to your email signature in clients like Gmail, Apple email, and Yahoo needs basic HTML skills. 

Only a few people have the strength or skills to write basic HTML code like <a>.

If you find creating a beautiful visual email signature challenging, using an email signature generator can significantly help.

You can use many online free email signature generators; the Hubspot email signature generator is freely accessible. 

You can use it to generate free email signatures for your brand, website, or anywhere else. It is straightforward; you can select from six email signature templates and add details and visual elements.

Another excellent email signature generator tool is

You have access to plenty of email signature templates you can add to your Gmail, Apple, Outlook, or any other email client application. is an excellent tool for creating your unique professional signature email in minutes using premade templates.


A professional email signature is more than telling people about your business; it can be a source of business opportunities, establish meaningful business-related relationships, get more followers, and drive high-quality traffic to your target page.

However, before you create one, know what you want, the details to include, and your goals and objectives; this will help you make the perfect email signature that increases business value.

If you’re looking for an easier way to make a business email signature today, use the online email signature generator tools listed above.

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